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Visual Timers-Sand Timer Set-K 12179

Kit contains six Sportime Sense-of-Timers, each with a different sand color that corresponds to a set time (30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes). These large sand timers can be used for any skill-building activity not only for sports. Promotes self-directed activity. Timers can be useful for keeping children moving and on task.

Visual Time Timer-KM 12251

Timer allows students to see how much time remains for testing, reading, or other classroom activities. Set these battery-operated timers to the amount of time a task requires; the red indicator moves as time passes and the clock beeps when time is up.Helps individuals with Autism or Asperger’s who have difficulty with transitions. Times from 0 to 60 minutes. Runs on battery. Includes 3" and 8" Timers.

Ear plugs, noise cancelling headphones
Class Rules/Alternative-displaying rules in a visual form helps to allow the student to better understand the expectations
Music Players-iPods, mp3 players, and other devices can be used in the classroom to play music and sounds to promote focus and calm
VisionBoards-allows students to visually keept track of goals and reminders for appropriate behaviors-
Teaching Replacment Behavior
Class Rules/Alternative-displaying rules in a visual form helps to allow the student to better understand the experience
Calming Down Board-create a picture or word based boards with the steps to take in order to calm down
The Talklight-it flashes according to the noise in the room, helps teach self-monitoring of noise levels and positive reinforcements
Videos-students can create videos depicting apkpropriate school behavior or classroom rules
Power Cards-cards presenting a brief scenario to explain how a hero of special interest has encountered and solved a particular problem of relevance to a student
Mind Reading-video-based program for teaching recognition of emitons by interpreting visual and auditory cues
Reminder Devices-simple vibrations or other observable signals remind a student of their focus behavior
MotivAider-an electronic device that automaticallly provides children with private reminders to engage in desired behavior or stay on task-KM7572
Rewarding Appropriate Behavior
Behavior Charts-allows students to visually track behavior changes and positive outcomes
Choice Boards/Reward menus provide a greater range of options of items/activities the student would like to earn
Point/Incentive Sheets-alloing students to keep track of positive behaviors can be a great motivational tool free printable charts
Reward Cards-these cards can visually show students what and how they can earn a specific
Music Players-iPods, mp3 players, and other devices can be used in the classroom to reward expected behavior by allowing access to preferred music/videos
iPad time is a motivating reward for many students. Blog entry that explains/show how to set a time limit on an iPad for how long the device can be used
KidsTool-a software tool that students can use to create their own self-management materials. Student can create their own behavior plans and graph their progress.
Behavior Charts-allow students to visually tract behavior changes and positive outcomes
Counters-samples of non-intrusive methods for keeping a record of the number os times something happens-hand-held counters, tally sheets, move small item from one pocket to another
Audio download for 10 second interval recording -click on downloads tab and go to 10 second interval file
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