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Krazy Kat

The Krazy Kat is adapted to accept any capability switch with a 1/8 jack. Pressing an attached capability switch will make the Krazy Kats bounce up and down while making five funny sounds.

Color Bug

A swtich adapted toy that allows children to create their own pictures by pressing the light touch transmission switch. The bug will move about creating amazing patterns that are fun and unique. Best when what is being drawn on is surrounded by bumper sides, such as a low lip tray.

Pretty Kitten

A switch adapted plush toy that squeaks and moves when an ability switch is attached and ativated.

Enabling Devices  


Keystone Order Number KM 11501

Band Jam

Five percussion instruments in one base! Activate any of the photo buttons to play a tambourine, triangle, drum, cymbal or maraca while multicolored LEDs light up.

Enabling Devices


Keystone Order Number:  KM 9741

Dalmatian Chase Toy

An ability switch will acitivate the Dalmatians to chase and race around this slide game. It's can be used for teaching cause and effect.

While the Dalmatian Chase toy is no longer being produced a very similar product is still offered by Enabling Devices, Penguin Roller Coaster.


Enabling Devices  


Keystone Order Number  KM 11988

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