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Core Resources

Center for Applied Special Technology-an emphasis on UDL (Universal Design for Learning)
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials-resources for educators, parents, and students.
High Incidences Accessible Technology-provide training and resources to help meet the needs of students
Assistive Technology Internet Modules- A resource providing “… high-quality information and professional development on assistive technology (AT) for educators, professionals, families, persons with disabilities, and others”
Autism Internet Modules-designed to provide high-quality information and professional development for anyone who supports, instructs, works with, or lives with someone with autism
PBIS-Well organized site with lots of resources for tier one, two, and three interventions, and data collection tools
Don Johnston-focusing on tools for students with literacy needs (reading and writing)
AbleNet-focusing primarily on tools for students requiring alternate access, communication, and modified curriculum
Ablenet university is a source of additional learning and topical webinars. Archived  Live
Keystone online resources-require user name and password-available to all teachers and students in Keystone AEA
Atomic Learning-online tutorials on a variety of topics
Folliet- a collection of online books, has 2 levels-elemetary and secondary
Book Flix- a collection of online books
Freedom Flix-a collection of online books-social studies
Britannica Digital Learning-online encyclopedia
Center for Technology and Disabilities-site that provides information resources, personal and professional development (PPD) activities, and universal and targeted technical assistance
CTD offers free webinars throughtout the year and archives them.
Maryland Assistive Technology Network-a state initiative that supports teachers and parents
Well known Individuals in the field of Assistive Technology at the National Level
Mark Coppin-Assistive Technology Director at the Anne Carlsen Center
Luis Perez-educator, author, presenter and inclusive learning consultant with a passion for accessibility and universal design
Dan Herlihy-seeing the connections between hardware, software, and solutions on how they can be utilized together
Kelly Fonner and Scott Marfilius-consultants who work with schools, students, and parents
Joy Zabala-assessible instructional materials
Karen Erickson — Center for Literacy and Disability Studies
Linda Burkhart - Simplified Technology
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